We at Ohio Citizen Action have a lot to be thankful for. Since January, we’ve talked to 71,863 people on their doorsteps about our clean energy campaign. Here’s what we’ve accomplished together:
- The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio denied two out of four proposals for a consumer bailout of old, inefficient coal power plants (and the Davis-Besse nuclear plant). More than 100 people protested at the PUCO, hundreds more turned out and testified at public hearings and a whopping 11,367 people sent comments for the official docket opposing the bailouts.
- We stopped a last-minute budget amendment that would have put utility customers on the hook for $72 billion in property taxes which are currently paid by the utilities. Our week-long blitz mobilized more than 500 people to call the governor’s office, prompting him to veto the amendment.
- Governor Kasich has gone from one extreme to the middle on Ohio’s energy efficiency and renewable energy programs. Despite enacting a two-year freeze on Ohio’s energy efficiency and renewable energy programs last year the governor recently declared an indefinite freeze on those programs “unacceptable”. What made the difference? More than 10,000 handwritten letters and 4,000 calls from Ohioans who want less coal and more efficiency and renewables in our energy mix.
We are so grateful you are part of our work – – THANK YOU!
Happy Thanksgiving,
Rachael Belz, Executive Director