COLUMBUS — “Mr. Kasich recently called ‘unacceptable’ a legislative committee’s recommendation to indefinitely continue the two-year freeze on the state’s renewable and energy efficiency mandates.
But in talking Tuesday about the accomplishments of his administration and the General Assembly in 2015, he said he doesn’t want to return to the mandate that utilities find a quarter of their power from such sources by 2027.
‘This is a tough one,’ Mr. Kasich said. “I believe that we need to develop renewables and build them at a rate that is consistent with the ability to not drive up the costs so high that our manufacturers have to buy out-of-state power at higher prices and put people out of work.
‘But I also think we have to be part of the national solution on renewables, and the legislature is now beginning to look at what we should do. Hopefully, we can reach agreement because I would hate to go back to a 25 percent mandate.'”
— Jim Provance, Toledo Blade