COLUMBUS — “Job creation. Economic growth. Property rights. These priorities have long been at the heart of conservative policymaking because they enrich our communities with opportunity and help individuals and families pursue the American dream on their own terms. Right now, Ohio has an opportunity to advance and defend these conservative ideals by embracing sound, forward-looking clean-energy policy.
That means maintaining current standards for energy efficiency and renewable-power generation and removing the regulatory barriers blocking landowners who want to develop wind power on their property. And the good news that Republican leaders in Columbus need to hear is that conservative voters across Ohio are hungry for it. They are eager for the economic opportunity that the clean-energy economy offers, and they want elected officials to lead on this issue.
…. And when you combine these hopes and priorities of conservative voters with the many economic benefits Ohio stands to gain by embracing clean energy, this shouldn’t be a controversial policy discussion.”
— Op-Ed, Mike Hartley, consultant with the Ohio Conservative Energy Forum, Columbus Dispatch