CLEVELAND — “A proposed offshore wind farm in Lake Erie will have a minimal impact on wildlife, according to an environmental consultant who says it’s “the lowest-risk project I’ve ever worked on.”
…With scientific studies supporting its proposed location, a public information meeting last Thursday created an opportunity for residents to learn more about the project and ask questions.
The answers included a thumbs-up from ornithologist Caleb Gordon of Western Ecosystems Technology, Inc. (WEST).
… Other birding enthusiasts and scientists, however, have noted that Audubon Society researchers concluded that climate change already threatens half the bird species in North America, have supported properly sited wind and solar generation, and are urging Ohio lawmakers to bring back Ohio’s renewable energy standards.
Scientists were also on hand to answer questions about aquatic life in the lake.
Researchers already know a lot about Lake Erie’s fish and food web, said Ed Verhamme of LimnoTech. Additional studies have been conducted and will continue for the specific area around the Icebreaker turbines.”
— Kathiann M Kowalski, Midwest Energy News